Duncan White Alice site

White Alice from Indian Point

Indian Point from White Alice road

Ann, Carl, Billy & Alaska Coastal Charter at Indian Point

Alaska Coastal Goose at Duncan

Alaska Coastal Goose at Ketchikan dock-1957

Alaska Coastal PBY at Petersburg dock. Real treat to ride in
observation bubble. Not my photo
Here is a nice photo of the grounds and buildings at
Duncan. This would be in 1970 when I was stationed there. Photo from
atop a range tower as I was changing obstruction lights. One task I did
not care for but the ET's would not climb so the plant guys had to do
the antenna maintenance. Guess I don't have a photo of the White Alice
mountain top before the structure was built.

Here are a couple more Pictures of
interest. Think these are all the good pictures of the station I have
unless you'd like to know how the fishing was. :).

The first is again atop the range tower and shows the dock area and fuel
storage tank across the canal at the road that leads up the mountain to
the White Alice site. That's Whitty's (ET) boat anchored off the point.

This second photo is taken in the 1950's. Thats Billy Hendries and his
lab taken from the range building and dwelling. There is no type 61
house and notice the towers and antennas which were for the link to
Narrow Point and Sunset Cove as there was no White Alice in those days.
Please notice in the 1950's my brother-in-law Carl (ET) did not cut the
grass but when I was there (Plant Man) the grass was cut. One of the
most enjoyable assignment locations I ever had and had a wife that
really enjoyed that type of living as well. For someone who did not take
care of his slides the 50 year old ones are still pretty good.